2013/4/19 Cédric Krier <cedric.kr...@b2ck.com>:
> On 19/04/13 10:09 +0200, Raimon Esteve wrote:
>> >> Yes if you configure the OS to manage "callto:" or "sip:" URI schema.
>> >
>> > another posibility is these module (I don't know it's maturity state):
>> > https://bitbucket.org/zikzakmedia/trytond-asterisk
>> > https://bitbucket.org/zikzakmedia/trytond-party_asterisk
>> > https://bitbucket.org/zikzakmedia/trytond-party_asterisk_event
>> > https://bitbucket.org/zikzakmedia/trytond-sale_asterisk
>> I'm waiting a asterisk  tester from Nan-TIC and create tests ;)
> Those modules seem empty.

I'ts a skeleton to new release.

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