On 2017-07-18 13:01, Richard PALO wrote:
> I'm looking for hints as to how to prod move.save()
> to complete or at least to give some info as to why it isn't.
> It appears to be cpu bound (indeed, the openerp base is quite large).
> move.save is at the end of the following, from line 1065..1070 in 
> migrate_account_balance
> >         move.lines.append(new_line)
> >         new_line.account = get_account(line.code, code2account)
> >         if new_line.account.party_required:
> >             new_line.party = code2party[str(line.partner_id)]
> > 
> >     move.save()

How do you know it is the problem?

> phppgadmin seems to believe that the following is cycling:
> > SELECT "a"."rounding" AS "rounding", "a"."active" AS "active", "a"."code" 
> > AS "code", "a"."create_date" AS "create_date", "a"."create_uid" AS 
> > "create_uid", "a"."digits" AS "digits", "a"."id" AS "id", 
> > "a"."mon_decimal_point" AS "mon_decimal_point", "a"."mon_grouping" AS 
> > "mon_grouping", "a"."mon_thousands_sep" AS "mon_thousands_sep", 
> > "a"."n_cs_precedes" AS "n_cs_precedes", "a"."n_sep_by_space" AS 
> > "n_sep_by_space", "a"."n_sign_posn" AS "n_sign_posn", "a"."negative_sign" 
> > AS "negative_sign", "a"."numeric_code" AS "numeric_code", 
> > "a"."p_cs_precedes" AS "p_cs_precedes", "a"."p_sep_by_space" AS 
> > "p_sep_by_space", "a"."p_sign_posn" AS "p_sign_posn", "a"."positive_sign" 
> > AS "positive_sign", "a"."symbol" AS "symbol", "a"."write_date" AS 
> > "write_date", "a"."write_uid" AS "write_uid" FROM "currency_currency" AS 
> > "a" WHERE (("a"."id" IN (44)))

I do not think it could be a problem, I guess it just show you the last
query run by the session.

> when I say long, it is already over 5 hours!

Yep, proteus is not specially designed for performance.
Cédric Krier - B2CK SPRL
Email/Jabber: cedric.kr...@b2ck.com
Tel: +32 472 54 46 59
Website: http://www.b2ck.com/

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