> Here are our issues:

> It sounds crazy but I think the documentation written is  turbine-centric; 
> meaning it seems to have been written by someone who is too close to the 
> topic.  Several people have read the documentation and still can't explain
> exactly what it is.  I would welcome more description from people who
> are using turbine.

Turbine is a Java servlet based tool, with some integration into other options - 
specifically webmacro, which is a templates solution to the designer/coder split of 
work - that is, designers generally work in html, producing files that have webmacro 
codes in them, which the server side then expands to display to the client.  All the 
code/business code will be done in Java, called from Turbine.

Try this link for general info on the design - 

> Several of our group members are non-java people.  They write scripts 
> in perl for network management, snmp data gathering, as well as
> using the output of programs like mrtg and cricket draw to 
> display 
> router information on a web page.  Can these tools be integrated with turbine?  

I would think not - unless you can access the data from Java - either directly or via 
some kind of intermediary, eg a flat file or database.

> Is it for servlets only?  Can a non-java developer produce a 
> piece of 
> code (e.g. cgi script) written in (c/c++/pyton/perl) and integrate 
> it easily within the turbine framework?

I would think not on this too - if you have html designers and java coders, then yes - 
but perl/python etc - you might be spending too much time integrating - there might be 
something more appropriate for your skills (is their a Turbine in perl?)

Hope this helps,
"surely it is madness to accept life as it is and not as it could be"
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