A couple of minor points....
   - Concept of attaching documents to releases is important here.
Documents are not live and rather are based on releases. For example, we will have user manual for version x and an enhanced document for version y.

Regardless of whether documentation is shipped in a distribution, I would prefer we keep a copy of all documentation online so that we can fix errors as they are discovered after releases.

Audience 2: Tuscany Extension developers

  - Uses Tuscany Core as a black box
  - Needs to know about extension points (SPIs)  and how to add
  - Would need to know how to build extensions and test
  - Would probably want to work off of the latest code, so documents
  tend to be live documents.
Extension developer would generally not work off the latest code (I generally discourage people from doing this as the state of trunk may be in flux). They would tend to go off a published release. They may point to SNAPSHOT but I would imagine documentation would rarely be revved at that point.


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