On Jan 31, 2008 5:04 PM, Lou Amodeo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi, I have a question about the implementation of the "wsdlless"
> deployment
> function.
> The issues I see are occurring in a couple of places within the
> life-cycle.
> Namely, deployment, binding start, and service definition. It occurs to me
> that if the generation of the wsdl occurred early in the process, rather
> than during the startup of the component, Tuscany could maintain a common
> code path for contributions with wsdl and contributions w/o wsdl. Today
> for
> instance WSDL is processed in the WSBindingProcessor when its present and
> the Axis2ServiceBinding when its not. I am curious why this is so? Why
> wouldn't the WSBindingProcessor detect wsdlLess, generate a wsdl
> definition
> at that point and the subsuquent flow from there on would be the same?
> Alternatively, when a contribution is deployed, why not detect a wsdl is
> missing, generate one, and place it in the contribution. At this point a
> wsdlElement could also be added and the subsequent startup process would
> not
> know the difference? I am not sure if other bindings will adopt a wsdlless
> approach but I would think a common non-binding specific process would be
> beneficial.
> Thanks for your help.

I think the issue may be at what point the information required to generate
the wsdl becomes available.  When <binding.ws> is used without the
wsdlElement attribute then the wsdl comes from the service or reference
interface and if thats not <interface.wsdl> then this is when a wsdl needs
to be generated. I'm not sure if the service or reference interface is going
to be available anywhere when the WebServiceBindingProcessor resolve method
is called.


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