Raymond Feng wrote:
It's related to JDK 6 which ships a version of JAXB impl by itself. Up to JDK 6 Update 3, the JDK ships with JAX-WS 2.0 (which includes JAXB 2.0), but Tuscany requires JAXB 2.1. There are two possible solutions to this problem:

1) Upgrade your JDK to 1.6.0_04 or above, which will include JAX-WS (and JAXB) 2.1 2) Copy the version 2.1 jaxb-api.jar or jaxws-api.jar (you can probably find them in your local maven repo) to <JAVA_HOME>/lib/endorsed to override the API jars that ship with the JDK 3) Use the -Djava.endorsed.dir=<a folder containing our JAXB jars> to override the JAXB from JDK 6.

We need to add this to our FAQ or release note.

Yes, this is a very good idea - best to make it plain that if they use 1.6.0, then it should be at 04 or above. Messing about with jars in the endorsed standards directory is not a great idea in my opinion, although I agree that it works.



OK, for me - panic over!


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