On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Wayne Watson

>  Not because of this particular problem, but, out of curiosity, I tried
> today to give the MS command line facility a shot. I think that's what we
> are discussing here. I immediately ran into something of a problem. My
> assumption was is was fully a DOS window.  Trying to work my way to folder
> was a bit daunting, since I have not used this in a very long time, but this
> wasn't the problem.
> As it turns out, there was an easier way. Drag and drop the path+program
> link into the window after placing a CD in the command line. Very non-DOS*.
> :-) One could then backspace to remove the program name, so the result was a
> CD to the program folder, where several programs reside. Now the problem
> became one of typing in the name of the program each time it was to be
> executed. With a pretty long path name and the need to type in the file name
> on each use, it seemed a bit tedious.  Maybe there's another way?
> * But yet, no copy and paste from the folder Address area

Two tips: Command Prompt Here and tab completion.

1) If you haven't already, check out the Windows XP PowerToys:
Most of them are useless (to me, anyway) but the two that are indispensible
- I install them on every (XP) machine I work on - are TweakUI and Command
Prompt Here.  It adds a "Comand Prompt Here" item to the menu when you
right-click on a folder.  I remember seeing a few articles explaining how to
do this yourself - but why bother?

2)  Tab completion is turned on by default in Windows XP - just type the
first few letters of the filename, and Windows will fill in the rest.  If
there are several files that start with what you typed, you might need to
add a few letters to get the right one, but it still saves lots and lots of
typing.  It even intelligently handles long filenames with spaces in them,
putting them in quotes when required.  If it's turned off on your machine,
you can turn it back on through TweakUI (see #1 above) under "Command

So for example, you would right-click on your project folder, select Command
Prompt Here, type "python " followed by "G" and a tab, then Enter.  (Or
maybe "GL" then Tab, or whatever - you get the drift.)

If you want a command prompt in your desktop folder, just right-click on a
folder on your desktop, select CPH, then type "cd.."  Much simpler than
Start/Run/cmd followed by "cd \Documents and Settings\username\Desktop".

Copy and paste DOES work, but not with keyboard shortcuts (presumably, those
are intercepted by the command prompt itself) - right-click in the command
window and select Paste.
Tutor maillist  -  Tutor@python.org

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