As it turns out QuickEdit is turned on in my XP, but certainly not by me.

The unfolding of what the cmd prompt actually does reminds me of a couple of incidents. When I wrote a book on an interpretive Basic language in the early 90s, the very first paragraph began with how to exit from the interpreter. At the time, it seemed popular with such interpreters to obfuscate the exit command by using names like SYSTEM! Yikes!

When I was introduced the C by the Kernighan and Ritchie book, I almost jumped for joy with their famous "Hello World" program. This was a book to be read. When I casually, and I mean casually, started looking at python a few years ago, I started with what I might call a (well-known) bloated book on the subject, it took until chapter 3 for the author to say anything about running programs. The first programming job I had found me staring at a government issued 200 page manual printed in capitals on a then popular language. What a huge bore. It's a wonder that I continued, or anyone, for that matter. I guess the right start matters, or in the words of the hero in Schindler's List (movie), "It's all about presentation."  After this cmd console "discovery", I'd say this is quite possibly something I'd put in the first chapter of any book on Python.

Nice to know about F8 (and F7), tab or other attempts didn't do it for me. I'll take Alan's suggestion on spending some time  on the reading XP Help.

Tim Golden wrote:
Alan Gauld wrote:
Cut n paste of the path works, but you can also use tab to complete the file name which speeds things up considerably.

And you can drag a file in from explorer to a Console window
to get the full path pasted in automatically.

Even on DOS F3 repeated the last command but on XP (and indeed since Win95) you can use up/down arrow to step back through the command history. And you can set it to remember the history betweeen sessions (although I don't personally do that...) I think you can also search back through the history but I don't use that very often and I'm maybe confusing it with cygwin/bash!

No, you're right: if you press a few characters and then
F8 a matching line will be populated (can't remember if
it's the most recent or the oldest). If you press F7, a
selection list of all the lines entered pops up and you
can select from there.

And all the old tricks from the original DOS shells work:
F3 as you mentioned (altho' up/down arrows are easier for
this); F2 will copy up to a particular characters. Quite
limited but still they have their possibilities.

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