Alex Kleider <> writes:

> I'd be interested in any comments regarding this idea and would be
> grateful for any suggestions as to frameworks that might be helpful.

The collected wisdom of the community includes this page at the Python
wiki <URL:>, and a brief
comparison of toolkits is at

> I've been looking at django but finding the learning curve to be steep
> and it may not be the best solution.

That seems a reasonable assessment; if you just want a UI for a
not-particularly-website program, Django may be a poor fit.

> Of late I've been using Python3; my platform is Ubuntu 14.4.

I recommend you start with the default, heavily-documented Tkinter
<URL:> and the Ttk
extension <URL:>. Both
of these are part of the Python 3 system in Ubuntu.

You can find a good guide to Tk programming in Python as one stream of
the excellent <URL:>.

 \        “If you have the facts on your side, pound the facts. If you |
  `\     have the law on your side, pound the law. If you have neither |
_o__)                       on your side, pound the table.” —anonymous |
Ben Finney

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