Alex Kleider <> writes:

> Thank you, gentlemen (Alan, Ben, Mark,) for your advice.
> The consensus seems to be in favour of tkinter
> so I'll head in that direction.

Keep in mind that Tkinter is the “one obvious way to do it” for GUIs in
Python. It is the general-purpose toolkit included with the standard

There are other ways (i.e. other GUI toolkits for Python) that may be
better suited to your specific case, but are not the obvious general
default — and they impose a higher deployment burden because they are
third-party libraries.

So, start with Tkinter and get it working that way. Then, once you
better understand your specific case by making a working solution, you
can re-assess. Tkinter might be just fine, or you may want to try
others. But start with Tkinter, yes.

 \      “It seems intuitively obvious to me, which means that it might |
  `\                                           be wrong.” —Chris Torek |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

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