On 18/12/2015 18:38, Alex Kleider wrote:
On 2015-12-16 17:42, boB Stepp wrote:
On Mon, Dec 14, 2015 at 10:08 PM, Alex Kleider <aklei...@sonic.net>
Thank you, gentlemen (Alan, Ben, Mark,) for your advice.
The consensus seems to be in favour of tkinter
so I'll head in that direction.

If you are into books, "Programming Python, 4th ed." by Mark Lutz, has
an extensive section on tkinter (Alan had pointed this out to me, and
I have found Lutz's coverage very helpful).  Plus the book (very
thick!) has lots of other goodies.  Also, the now old book, "Python
and Tkinter Programming" by John E. Grayson is just about Tkinter
(with a capital "T") as it is copyrighted 2000.  Despite this I think
it is still quite useful even if you are working in Python 3 as, as
far as I can tell, t/Tkinter has not changed substantially in how the
coding goes.

I've settled on "Modern Tkinter" by Mark Roseman.
His is the most recently published of the various references recommended
and he makes the point that the "themed" (ttk) component is recent
(and I assume not covered in the other sources.)
I'd prefer a real book but have had to settle for the kindle edition:-)
A pdf version may also be available.

Another issue about which I'd like to hear comments has to do with
how the imports are done.
Roseman indicates that
     from tkinter import *
     from tkinter import ttk
is the generally accepted way of doing the importing but the first line
uses a syntax that is strongly discouraged so my inclination is to use
     import tkinter as tk
     from tkinter import ttk


from xyz import * is The Road To Hell.

Sticking with the explicit way of importing modules makes life so much easier in the long term that there is IMHO nothing to discuss.

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Mark Lawrence

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