On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 09:40:18PM -0500, Albert Cahalan wrote:
> Quoting various people:
> > 1. 'Starters' are broken, as you mentioned.  It seems
> > to load the foreground as a background, and not load
> > the background at all.
> ...
> > * Opening the reef or skyline image only succeeds
> > in opening the foreground elements (the coral and
> > palm, respectively); the backgrounds  do not load.
> ...
> > When you open the reef image, it appears TuxPaint
> > is actually loading two images, reef.png (the
> > foreground) and reef-back.png (the background).
> > It looks like the OS X port is not recognizing the
> > alpha channel in the foreground, so the background
> > blotted out.
> This is not only a MacOS problem. I get it too.
> Tuxpaint:  from CVS yesterday
> OS:  Debian-unstable with the 2.6.9-rc4 kernel
> Video:  24-bit (in 32-bit, AFAIK), w/ big display
> Hardware:  Mac G4 Cube (yes, running Linux)
> So, while I'm not running MacOS, I do use a Mac.
> Odd features of the Mac hardware include:
> 1. big-endian
> 2. "char" is unsigned by default!!!
> 3. most (not all) audio hardware is big-endian only

Hrm, okay, so this might be a clue as to what's going on.
Unfortunately, without a Mac to debug on, I can't help here.

Are you able to build with debugging printf()'s turned on?
Do they provide any hints as to what's going on?

> BTW, the sound is messed up too. I just get static.

Unfortunately, this is /not/ an issue on the latest Mac OS X build.
Can you try altering the buffer size being set when the SDL sound system
is first being initialized?

As being discussed (on and off) on the SDL lists, picking a buffer size
is a hit-or-miss game.  Tux Paint's value for Win32 works fine... almost.
I've had ONE report of the sound coming out staticy.  Sadly, the best
value to use depends on the OS, sound drivers and hardware being used. *ugh*

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