On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 11:40, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> Bill Kendrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in

> >> The "Load" dialog has lots of dead space.
> > <snip>
> >> There are some other
> >> possibilities though: the toolbar could be active, so that
> >> the "Back" button becomes unneeded.
> >
> > I've thought of this in the past, as well.  I think we should
> > go this route.
> I disagree. I think Tux Paint should work like other Linux/Windows
> programs (only with different-*looking* controls). In those
> programs, the open dialogue have 'Open' and 'Cancel' buttons.
> Consistency is a good thing! (Back should be renamed 'Cancel',
> BTW.)

Consider all the web browsers and web sites.

The back button takes you back.
A single click on a thumbnail will load an image.
Clicking on the side navigation menu will leave the thumbnail page.

>  And we *can* get rid of the 'Colours'
> label, and increasing the space for the colours buckets.

The stamps need the space more. Grabbing the label too
would be another much-needed slot.

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