On Wed, 2005-01-12 at 16:05, Karl Ove Hufthammer wrote:
> Albert Cahalan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in
> >> Yeah, "where to put delete?" has been my issue all along.
> >
> > That button makes me nervous.
> >
> > a. mistakes
> > b. destruction of another kid's work
> > c. destruction of own work
> >
> > If anything should be hard to get at, this is it.
> > Control-click or shift-click would do.
> No, don't make it more difficult to use. It pops up a warning
> dialogue, so (a) and (c) should ~never happen.

I think it's time you and your kids migrated to the Gimp.
Your changes are nice for high school kids, but terrible
for normal 5-year-old kids.

The Gimp is more age-appropriate. It has a standard GUI
(and an insane one too, but you can ignore that) and it
offers all the power you want. You can even teach scripting.

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