On Dec 1, 5:25 am, "Kevin M." <drunkbastar...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here is where I again get nit-picky -- is this the same in the AP and
> MLA style manuals?

My recollection is that the AP style manual ("The Word") deals more
with syntax, choice of words, and general writing style than it does
matters like pluralizing proper names.  I'll see if I can find my
copy; I haven't had the need to refer to it in more than a decade.

"The Elements of Grammar" by Shertzer (which is considered to be a
companion work to the renowned "The Elements of Style" by Strunk and
White), however, says the following:

Proper nouns form their plurals by adding s to the singular, or es
when the word ends in s, z, ch, sh, or zh:
the Carolinas
two Helens
the Kennedys

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