On Mon, Jun 27, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Michael <mikethekn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The lunatic fringe moves towards the mainstream, and is enabled by the
> pundits/puppets and their masters. It would be pathetic if it wasn't
> so creepy and unsettling.

We have a debate often about the cable news channels, but I have
noticed a not-too-subtle difference: Liberals still pay lip service to
FoxNews. The teabaggers don't pay any mind to MSNBC or CNN, and they
openly mock "wherever the hell Keith wandered off to." By contrast,
the left still watches and participates in FoxNews. They still appear
on the programs to be chided by the whack-job hosts. Say what you will
about the right-wing, but by refusing to participate in the
mainstream, they have forced the game to change.

At the turn of the millennium, Rush Limbaugh had ceased to be a power
player, in large part due to the fact that following his drug
addiction, the left simply began ignoring him. Some of my conservative
friends would marvel at the patently offensive utterances he made
during those years that nobody picked up on. But by 2005 or so,
liberals started commenting on his crap again, and the ditto-heads
made a comeback.

I have found that by and large, the liberals active in politics won't
shut up about FoxNews. They insist on stating and restating the
obvious issues with the channel, and -- whenever they do -- it merely
serves to feed the fire. FoxNews uses that vitriol to encourage its
fan base ("See what those guys on the left say about us?"). It doesn't
matter that the criticisms are all true. Truth no longer matters in
the world of overpoliticized journalism.

I'd like to conduct a social experiment and see what would happen if
the left would ignore FoxNews for six months. No liberals appear as
guests, no panel discussions on other channels reacting to strange
outbursts by "Fox & Friends," no feeling the need to constantly decry
the latest teabagger talking points, and no humorous reairings of any
FoxNews segments by Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Imagine if
between now and Christmas the liberals would just shut it all down --
refuse to enter into the non-debate. It is a decidedly Republican
tactic, but I think it might work. And even if it doesn't, imagine how
refreshing it might be to see MSNBC and CNN opting to cover other
things -- of course they still won't cover actual issues or engage in
substantive debate, but it has to be better than the FoxNews stalking
they regularly feel compelled to engage in.
Kevin M. (RPCV)

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