I am wondering how the list thinks TV News has been covering the Invasion,
and if any outlets have shown themselves to be particularly strong or weak.

I have been following on TV mostly with CNN and BBC, with some MSNBC and
ABC. Online I have been using Twitter, which has a lot more information,
but a higher ratio of it is unreliable.

It seems to me CNN still rules when it comes to stories like this (and I
almost never watch them for regular news). I suppose their foreign bureaus
are not as well staffed as the past, but it seems they still have more
people on the ground than the other outlets. I still mostly switch them off
when it comes to panels.

MSNBC has Richard Engles, who is great, but they seem to mostly be
repeating reportage from others. I do still like their approach to panels -
gathering print journalists to discuss their work, though that is less
valuable on an actual breaking story 5000 miles away.

The BBC (it seems like we are getting their world feed or whatever they
call it via BBCA) is lower key, but also seems to have boots on the ground.
It’s harder for me to tell what is live and what is delayed, which is

What would happen if there were no more “linear” television outlets on
stories like these? I read the papers often during the day, and the AP, and
Twitter, but there would be a huge hole without television news
organizations with ongoing assets in the field. Will Amazon or Hulu be
doing that down the road? I guess I will have to get CNN+
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