Keep in mind too, OAuth is really for authorizing, not authenticating
... may sound pedantic, but it's a pretty substantial difference. The
authentication stuff is more of an after thought ...

∞ Andy Badera
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On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 10:16 PM, shawninreach <> wrote:
> Yeah exactly what i was thinking but i thought this was the whole
> point of oauth to not need someones pass to authenticate with an app.
> Oauth is basically just a setup where it authenticates an app to use
> an account, but its not something that I can use to implement a full
> login system to my own app?
> On Oct 21, 9:58 pm, JDG <> wrote:
>> You could have the user sign in with their username and password and make a
>> call to account/verify_credentials. If it returns 200, you know you can get
>> the access token.
>> On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 18:41, shawninreach <> wrote:
>> > Ok so you guys are saying store the access token in the db. Im getting
>> > hung up on how you would authenticate this user at a later point
>> > without making them reauthenticate through twitter to make sure who
>> > they say they are.
>> > First Authentication
>> > User comes to site -> twitter auth (type in username/pass) -> twitter
>> > auth (do you want to allow app) -> back to site (store access tokens)
>> > Later Authentication on a diff computer per say
>> > User comes to site -> twitter auth (type in username/pass) -> ?? (do
>> > something with access token) ?? -> back to site
>> > Something like if user and pass are valid then get the access token
>> > from the db and start doing w/e you wanted to do? Is this the flow
>> > that im missing?
>> > On Oct 21, 8:08 pm, ryan alford <> wrote:
>> > > The access token doesn't expire. It's also specific for the user.
>> > > There is no reason for you to get rid of it.
>> > > You should store it with a relation to the username. The user should
>> > > not be forced to re-allow every session.
>> > > On Oct 21, 2009, at 7:44 PM, shawninreach <>
>> > > wrote:
>> > > > Im a little confused on why some people are saying you want to store
>> > > > the access token after you get it. Dont you just want to keep it in
>> > > > the session until the session expires or the user clears cookies? I
>> > > > understand how to use the access token, im just confused on after the
>> > > > session is expired your going to need to make the user click "I Allow"
>> > > > later again and theres nothing that can be done about that and you
>> > > > request new tokens so why store them in the database at all. Basically
>> > > > im just trying to understand this process a bit more so I can safely
>> > > > store only what I absolutely need to. Thanks guys for the help!
>> --
>> Internets. Serious business.

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