On top of all that, AFAIK the 1500 limit for OAuth is still vaporware
at this point, so everybody is capped at 150.

To inform the discussion, I wonder if Twitter could share any figures
like what's the actual API use distribution? Like what combination of
users/apps hit the cap regularly and cause massive load? If it was an
equal distribution (i.e most users/apps are around the same level)
that gives them heavy load, then I would see why they need to be
careful about raising limits (any increase would bring more fail
whales). But I suspect that it's highly asymmetrical... i.e there are
very few users/apps who actually cause any meaningful load.

Another hunch: desktop apps are negligible and the real load comes
from web apps who spider asynchronously 24/7. Should the load be
differentiated across client and web apps? Client apps are typically
only one user per device at a time, whereas the web app may be
spidering on behalf of who knows how many people.

On Jan 20, 5:48 pm, Eric Woodward <e...@nambu.com> wrote:
> I will come straight to the point: we need to an increase to the API
> limit to properly implement Twitter within a desktop client
> application given the addition of: 1) three retweets timelines; 2)
> checking the account's saved searches; and 3) up to 10-20 Twitter
> Lists timelines.
> Twitter Lists alone are causing real problems if a user follows more
> than 5 or so. We cant poll Twitter List subscriptions with one API
> call that combines them altogether, which we could then split apart
> client-side with some attached meta-data. That alone would have been a
> big help, and without it we are left polling each List as if it was a
> separate timeline, since that is what they are.
> Implementing proper Lists management is a non-starter within this
> limit, so is regular confirmation of a relationship between two users
> when asked for by the user (on Lists or search results). There is
> simply a lot of stuff I cannot do properly that is standard on
> twitter.com, all because I am subject to the API limit while
> twitter.com is not. Users simply do not understand this distinction in
> possibilities.
> I would like to formally ask on behalf of all client developers that
> the API limit increase to 250, from 150, for all applications whether
> they use OAuth or HTTP Basic Authentication. We are simply not able to
> implement Twitter properly within a limit of 150, but dont need a lot
> more, only another 100-200 API calls or so.
> If Twitter can even technically contemplate a 10x API limit increase
> to 1,500 for OAuth applications, surely an increase to 250 based on
> the addition of core features like official retweets and Lists is a
> reasonable request. A limit of 150 is simply obsolete, and has been
> for a long time.
> I do not want to wait for the UX repairs around OAuth for desktop
> applications, and I dont like being forced into OAuth sooner than we
> are ready just because we need the extra API hits just to do basic
> features properly. And besides, that was announced as two weeks away
> three weeks ago. I dont want to wait any longer. I want to properly
> implement the basics, like Lists polling, now.
> This is a considered email because I care about the quality of our
> Twitter implementation and I care about the Twitter ecosystem. I would
> appreciate a considered reply.
> --ejw
> Eric Woodward
> Email: e...@nambu.com

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