On Jan 20, 4:50 pm, Cameron Kaiser <spec...@floodgap.com> wrote:
> The problem here is distinguishing the two. OAuth doesn't (and I was
> told this by one of the people on the OAuth committee) specifically
> allow you to unambiguously and securely identify an application just
> because it has a certain app key

Huh? Can you translate this into either English or pseudo-code? I fill
out a form. The app gets a name, which must be unique. And I choose
between a desktop exclusive-or server app (PIN workflow exclusive-or
callback workflow) with a radio button.  I get a consumer key and
consumer secret, also, I'm assuming, unique.

So now I run that app. I send packets back and forth between the app /
my IP address and Twitter's servers / Twitter's IP addresses. Are you
saying Twitter can't distinguish my oAuth app running on my IP address
from another oAuth app running on a different IP address? You don't
know where I am and what I'm running? You don't know which of 30 users
of my app from different machines is acting abusively?

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