its not an excuse - but this one is (right now) out of my control.  i've
forwarded this thread along to those "in the know".

On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 6:20 AM, Ryan Alford <>wrote:

> Is it even worst that Raffi has seen this thread and posted in it, and
> still not a peep?  You would think that he would look into it and help out,
> or contact somebody that could look into it.  It's seems like they just have
> their head in the sand.
> Ryan
> On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 9:13 AM, Jim Fulford <> wrote:
>> 5 Days not and applicatin is still down and no response at all from
>> Twitter on my Support Ticket.
>> Beware of Oauth, Twitter can disable your site in a second with no
>> notice.  I have still not gotten any feedback, communication of any
>> kind.  The only nice thing about this process is that my users have
>> been patient and understanding.  Wish I could say the same about
>> Twitter.  See Below....
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> easyduzzit sent a message using the contact form at
>> When I look in my Twitter connections your service appears as
>> follows:
>> "GoTwitr by Phazer Systems Suspended."
>> I'd appreciate knowing if there is anything your customers can do to
>> let Twitter know we appreciate your service.

Raffi Krikorian
Twitter Platform Team

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