Paul wrote:
> Normally, when a Http request is done (thru OnRequestdoen) I post a
> message to the form to restart a next Http request.
> This is normally done as PostMessage(handle, MyMessage, 0, 0)
> But where can I find the handle of the service application ?
> I have a similar problem with a new Httpserver I'm writing.
> I have made an object of the complete server, so I can compile it as a
> program or as a service application.
> It also has a buch of threads running
> This works fine, but now I want one of the threads inform the service thru
> Postmessage so the thread can proceed without the delays of sync objects.

Hm, as far as I recall the delphi service framework implements a service as a 
service thread of type TServiceThread.
TServiceThread has it's own message pump (ProcessRequests) that
processes messages from the SCM only. You probably need a base/main
worker thread?

Arno Garrels [TeamICS]
> Paul
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