Hello everybody (and especially Francois).

I have this legacy code that was written using ICS v5. Deep inside some
message processing (specifically RAS handling) is done in overridden WndProc

When I switched to ICS v6, this code broke. This was mainly expected - ICS
v6 cannot know which socket's WndProc it should call when it receives some
non-internal (not registered via AllocateMsgHandler) message after all.
Still, I had to make old code work with the new message dispatch system and
that's what I did:

I defined new event handler in the TIcsWndHandler:

  TIcsOnMessageEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var MsgRec: TMessage) of
object; //Gp

  TIcsWndHandler = class(TObject)
    FOnMessage     : TIcsOnMessageEvent;
    property OnMessage: TIcsOnMessageEvent read FOnMessage write FOnMessage;

In the TIcsWndHandler.WndProc, I call OnMessage if specified:

procedure TIcsWndHandler.WndProc(var MsgRec: TMessage);
    Dummy : Boolean;
        with MsgRec do begin
            if (Msg >= FMsgLow) and
               (Msg < (FMsgLow + WH_MAX_MSG)) and
               Assigned(FMsgMap[Msg - FMsgLow]) then
                FMsgMap[Msg - FMsgLow].WndProc(MsgRec)
            else begin
                if assigned(OnMessage) then //Gp
                  OnMessage(Self, MsgRec);  //Gp
                if Result = 0 then          //Gp
                  Result := DefWindowProc(Handle, Msg, wParam, lParam);
        // Les exceptions doivent ętre gérées, sinon l'application sera
        // liquidée dčs qu'une exception se produit !
        on E:Exception do
            TriggerBgException(E, Dummy);

This way, I can catch all messages received by the TIcsWndHandler and call
appropriate legacy code inside my OnMessage handler.

I think this is a simple extension that adds much flexibility and that I
should be included in the base code.

What do others think?

Best regards,

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