Frans van Daalen wrote:
>> Frans van Daalen wrote:
>>> seems that the bug is also somewhere related to the NTLM code or
>>> call because the icslogger shows the following
>>> - Starting relocation process
>>> - state = httpReady
>>> - PrepareNTLM....
>>> - PrepareNTLM....
>>> - RequestDone     <--------------------OOOOpppppsss why is that
>>> there??
>>> It will trigger the onRequestDone
>> That is intended in case of SetReady was called in StartRelocation or
>> LocationSessionClosed because LocationChangeMaxCount reached the
>> limit. 
> It did not reached its locationmaxcount. I think it it a SetReady from
> procedure THttpCli.StateChange(NewState : THttpState);
> line 1478
>            if PrepareNTLMAuth(FlgClean) or
>        {$IFDEF UseDigestAuthentication}
>                PrepareDigestAuth(FlgClean) or
>        {$ENDIF}
>                PrepareBasicAuth(FlgClean) then begin
>                    ........................
>            else
> line 1534
>            TriggerRequestDone;   *************
> -------------------------
> But I have trouble tracing the exact moment the ready is set.

That's quite easy, set breakpoints in StartRelocation and LocationSessionClosed.
Test URL, it works for me with current ICSv7 from the wiki:

> Question : Before we re-enter login should we not set the state to
> htttpNotConnected when moving from to ?

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