What will happen if we want no-follow-relocation and just need to pump the
301/302/307 headers?



On Fri, Dec 24, 2010 at 3:37 PM, Arno Garrels <arno.garr...@gmx.de> wrote:

> Arno Garrels wrote:
> > Arno Garrels wrote:
> >> Frans van Daalen wrote:
> >>>> Frans van Daalen wrote:
> >>>>> seems that the bug is also somewhere related to the NTLM code or
> >>>>> call because the icslogger shows the following
> >>>>>
> >>>>> - Starting relocation process
> >>>>> - state = httpReady
> >>>>> - PrepareNTLM....
> >>>>> - PrepareNTLM....
> >>>>> - RequestDone     <--------------------OOOOpppppsss why is that
> >>>>> there??
> >>>>> It will trigger the onRequestDone
> >>>>
> >>>> That is intended in case of SetReady was called in StartRelocation
> >>>> or LocationSessionClosed because LocationChangeMaxCount reached the
> >>>> limit.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> It did not reached its locationmaxcount. I think it it a SetReady
> >>> from
> >>>
> >>> procedure THttpCli.StateChange(NewState : THttpState);
> >>>
> >>> line 1478
> >>>
> >>>            if PrepareNTLMAuth(FlgClean) or
> >>>        {$IFDEF UseDigestAuthentication}
> >>>                PrepareDigestAuth(FlgClean) or
> >>>        {$ENDIF}
> >>>                PrepareBasicAuth(FlgClean) then begin
> >>>                    ........................
> >>>            else
> >>> line 1534
> >>>            TriggerRequestDone;   *************
> >>>
> >>> -------------------------
> >>> But I have trouble tracing the exact moment the ready is set.
> >>
> >> That's quite easy, set breakpoints in StartRelocation and
> >> LocationSessionClosed. Test URL www.microsoft.com, it works for me
> >> with current ICSv7 from the wiki:
> >> http://wiki.overbyte.be/wiki/index.php/ICS_Download
> >
> > You are right, I did not test the GetAsync, in async mode
> > RequestDone is actually fired with StatusCode 0 after relocation.
> >
> > Triggered by a call to CheckDelaySetReady in GetBodyLineNext.
> When I add a check for FLocationFlag there it _SEEMS_ to fix it,
> has to be still tested very hard in order not to introduce new bugs:
>            TriggerDocEnd;
>            if {(FResponseVer = '1.0') or (FRequestVer = '1.0') or  }
>                { see above                                }
>                { [rawbite 31.08.2004 Connection controll] }
>                (FCloseReq) then     { SAE 01/06/04 }
>                FCtrlSocket.CloseDelayed
>            else if not FLocationFlag then // <== Try this change and test,
> test, test...
>                CheckDelaySetReady;  { 09/26/08 ML }
> --
> Arno Garrels
> --
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