The project "OverbyteIcsSrvTcp" has absolutely nothing in inside to help me. I can't find anything about sending or receiving in this project.

The OverbyteIcsSrvTcp uses the OverbyteIcsTcpCmd.pas, where you will find the code of the server.

The project "OverbyteIcsClient7" gives me nothing else but errors saying --> Socket not connected!

Make sure you have the server running, before you hit the client connect button. Make also sure the client port is set to the same server port. The server port is set to 2120, as you can see here in the code, file OverbyteIcsTcpCmd.pas

constructor TTcpDaemon.Create;
    inherited Create;
    WSocketServer1        := TWSocketServer.Create(nil);
    WSocketServer1.Banner := 'ICS Tcp Service Ready';
    FPort                 := '2120';
    FAddr                 := '';

So, make sure you set the client to port 2120 too.

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