I need to be able to send the commands from the server to the client as well.

Given a server has a lot of client (potentially), how do you select the client you want to communicate with ? Usually a server reply to a command sent by a client, but once the client is connected, the server can send anything to the client, even without any prior request by the client.

I can find nothing about how to send anything from server to the selected client.

Assuming N is the index of the selected client, you send something using this line of code:
   WSocketServer.Client[N].Send(MyBufAddr, MyBufLnegth);

When sending something back to a client having sent a command, you use the sender argument of the dataavailable event. This sender represent the client:
  TWSocket(Sender).Send(MyBufAddr, MyBufLnegth);

The author of the freeware multi-tier middleware MidWare
The author of the freeware Internet Component Suite (ICS)

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