I think most sites that provide downloadable distros will have ISO's
somewhere, if not at a home site then at some mirror site.

I've successfully loaded WhiteBox Linux over MS Virtual PC 2004 and then
installed and activated D3.  WBL is a fork from RHEL (ES/AS/WS) and seems to
be a good platform, and free besides.  I plan to load Unidata and jBASE on
this in the near future as well.

VPC is good software and comes free with MSDN, but I think you'll do well
with vmWare, where there is more incentive for the vendor to support non-MS
OS's and to strive for better performance.


Eugene Perry wrote:
> I have purchased a copy of VMWare and I am running on XP Pro. 
> I have been
> able to find a place that has ISO images of Linux versions - 
> I think someone mentioned it here, http://www.linuxiso.org/
> Now my problem is learning how to use VMWare and at the same 
> time how to
> install Linux LOL.  I am going to try and see if I can burn 
> ISO images onto
> a CDR so that I can just pop them into my cd.
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