Tony which of the below are freeware?

"As far as editors go, there are third-party products which have been ported
cross-platform.  In my opinion, anything is better than ED or AE once you've
used a real editor.
- My personal favorite for simple editing is wED, which is the Windows
EDitor built into AccuTerm.
- The mvToolbox is impressive with a huge set of features, way above and
beyond standard editors.  It's sort of the Emacs of the Pick world, if that
means anything to anyone.
- The RED editor has been ported to many platforms.  I know nothing about it
except the web site that hosts this and other utilities is going away in the
next week or so.  Download a copy of RED, CRED, LED, and other editors from  If you miss them I'll probably have them on my
freeware site later."
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