I agree with Will on this one David. As the former host and CyberSpanker of the list, I am skeptical that these summaries would be posted. After watching the traffic for almost 10 years, I could tell you who would even post a "thank you," let alone those blessed souls who would report the final answer, how it worked, and what contribution lead them to it. I could also tell which subscribers and which geographic regions were just taking from the list as a way to try to get out of paying IBM support time and would never even acknowledge the help.

Many times the suggestions, while they may not be the answer, lead you into areas you never before considered.

Except for the GOTO issue. On that old horse, the Delete Key is your friend. Nobody is ever going to change anyone else's mind.




W. Clifton Oliver, CCP
Tel: +1 619 460 5678    Web: www.oliver.com

Logan, David (SST - Adelaide) wrote:
Hi Will,

Yes it does, it requires discipline and also an acknowledgement by the
group that we all rely on everybody else. If you don't summarise, how
long will it be before nobody bothers to reply?

One of the other lists I subscribe to is the sun-managers list and this
works well. Everybody knows the rules and realises that everybody can
learn from their own experiences. It is rare that the summary isn't
posted. My own opinion is that most people do wish to help and most
people learn something from that assistance. As a price to pay, a quick
summary is quite cheap.


David Logan
Database Administrator
HP Managed Services
148 Frome Street,
Adelaide 5000

+61 8 8408 4273 - Work
+61 417 268 665 - Mobile
+61 8 8408 4259 - Fax

-----Original Message----- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Tuesday, 21 December 2004 11:50 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: [U2] The list format and usefulness

In a message dated 12/20/2004 7:40:32 PM Eastern Standard Time, "Logan,
David (SST - Adelaide)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


With a number of other groups, a different format is used, a question


asked, replies are sent directly to the person asking the question and
this person then summarises for the groups benefit.


It's an excellent suggestion David, but doesn't it rely on people
actually summarizing ?  If they don't then the wisdom of the responders
is lost in limbo isn't it?  That's the one issue I'd bring up about your
Will Johnson
Fast Forward Technologies
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