Yes I have compared the performance.  Within the ERP system I worked in we
saw little difference.  Yes dimensioned arrays MAY have some advantage
under certain circumstances, but reading and accessing fields in a record
is not one of them.  Certainly not enough to justify throwing away one of
the best features of the Pick database, or having to code work-arounds to
deal with the short-comings of dimensioned arrays.

Again I am referring to the use of MATREADS and WRITES primarily here.
When you do this the dim'd array only provides any benefits when accessing
fields.  When you get to dealing with value and sub-value mark separated
data you are back to the 'slower' text extraction.

I generally don't like using dimensioned arrays at all, but outside of
handling actual record structures they do have their uses.

Rich Taylor | Senior Programmer/Analyst| VERTIS
250 W. Pratt Street | Baltimore, MD 21201
P 410.361.8688 | F 410.528.0319 
Vertis is the premier provider of targeted advertising, media, and
marketing services that drive consumers to marketers more effectively.
"The more they complicate the plumbing
  the easier it is to stop up the drain"
- Montgomery Scott NCC-1701

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 2:54 PM
Subject: RE: [U2] I'm in an Array quandry, any suggestions...

Richard Taylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 05/13/2005 02:05:51 PM:

> ... Why take a flexible, dynamic database system and force it to
> be fixed length.  This is what you are doing using dimensioned arrays 
> MATREADs.  The most common justification I have heard is performance and
> this simply doe not hold water. 

Have you ever compared performance between dynamic and dimensioned arrays,

or are you just saying that you've never notice problems but have never 
tried dimensioned arrays?  I've seen it make a HUGE difference in Pick, 
UniVerse, and UniData.  If you reference many elements of a dynamic array 
many times, you'll burn a lot of CPU cycles just to locate the data.  When

you reference an element of a dimensioned array, it's stored in separate 
address space, and is immediately referenced.

I have a standard way to avoid problems with the last attribute folding 
into the highest array element.  Just dimension the array one element 
larger than the highest attribute you reference in the program.  So if the

highest attribute you reference is number 72, dimension the array at 73 or

higher.  Where I used to work, we had an automated process that created 
file definitions, including standard equates and the code to dimension 
arrays.  We always created the arrays at one more than the highest 
attribute, and never had problems.  This won't be necessary in 
environments where the extra attributes are placed on element zero, but it

won't hurt anything, either.  That way your code will be portable.

Tim Snyder
Consulting I/T Specialist , U2 Professional Services
North American Lab Services
DB2 Information Management, IBM Software Group
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