I used to work for a $500M company (multi-national, multiple office) where I was the Unix Admin, the secondary DBA, the Hiring Manager, an Area Manager, Head of Computer Security and QC, and a hands on programmer simultaneously. The primary DBA also ran the operations department, worked as an Area Manager, and was a hands on coder as well. When I worked for a $72M company (multi-national, multiple office), I was at on point the AIX Admin, the Sun Admin, the Webmaster, Sr. Programmer, and managed all the consultants - while assisting in Mac, PC, and network support. You'd be amazed at what sort of workloads you can adapt to when need impels you.

   - Chuck "Renaissance Man" Barouch

Gordon J Glorfield wrote:

In a small shop (< 50 users) you might be able to get away with combining the two roles. But in any shop larger than that, I don't see how you could effectively do both jobs.
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