On Monday 06 February 2006 09:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I wrote a small routine that will go through Savedlists, HOLD files,
> > ST.PPROCES records, etc. and selectively delete the records that are no
> > longer needed but I have been stopped by my VP.
> >
> > She wants justification for the process.  I don't have the knowledge to
> > be able to give her what she wants.  I've tried the following arguments
> > with no luck:
> >
> > Savedlists can be outdated as soon as they are created.
> > Taking up too much server room.
> Savedlists should never be re-used. By their very nature they are
> ephemeral.

The above statement is application specific and not always true, particularly 
colleges running Unidata (Datatel).

Yes, we do purge _HOLD_ and other things out but savedlists are generally 
held.  Many institutions (for research purposes) may used savedlists for 
cohort tracking across many semesters or years.  In these situations you 
*cannot* recreate the savedlist everytime as you have to ensure the group you 
initially select is the same group used months/years later - savedlists give 
you an easy method to acheive this (whereas the various data fields you may 
query against are constantly changing).

With the myraid of reports colleges need (both internal and federally mandated 
IPEDS, etc) savedlists provide an extremely useful tool.
Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
Administrative Systems
Hampshire College

"Hindsight alone is not wisdom."
                     George W. Bush
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