<quote who="Jeffrey Butera">
> On Monday 06 February 2006 09:51, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> > I wrote a small routine that will go through Savedlists, HOLD files,
>> > ST.PPROCES records, etc. and selectively delete the records that are
>> no
>> > longer needed but I have been stopped by my VP.
>> >
>> > She wants justification for the process.  I don't have the knowledge
>> to
>> > be able to give her what she wants.  I've tried the following
>> arguments
>> > with no luck:
>> >
>> > Savedlists can be outdated as soon as they are created.
>> > Taking up too much server room.
>> Savedlists should never be re-used. By their very nature they are
>> ephemeral.
> The above statement is application specific and not always true,
> particularly
> colleges running Unidata (Datatel).
> Yes, we do purge _HOLD_ and other things out but savedlists are generally
> held.  Many institutions (for research purposes) may used savedlists for
> cohort tracking across many semesters or years.  In these situations you
> *cannot* recreate the savedlist everytime as you have to ensure the group
> you
> initially select is the same group used months/years later - savedlists
> give
> you an easy method to acheive this (whereas the various data fields you
> may
> query against are constantly changing).
> With the myraid of reports colleges need (both internal and federally
> mandated
> IPEDS, etc) savedlists provide an extremely useful tool.

This is a case of poor programming practice. With QSELECT, and the nature
of the &SAVEDLISTS& file (similar in design to /tmp), any select list that
needs to be re-used should NOT be kept in &SAVEDLISTS&. There should be
another file created and used for this purpose.

The 2 reasons for this are:

1. cleaning out &SAVEDLISTS& doesn't develop into a 'political' issue, and
2. The file used instead can be a hashed file, thus eliminating the
headaches of having a directory holding large numbers of records, such as
the need to tune the inode kernel parameter(s).

My $0.02 (USD)


> --
> Jeff Butera, Ph.D.
> Administrative Systems
> Hampshire College
> 413-559-5556
> "Hindsight alone is not wisdom."
>                      George W. Bush
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