I personally purge my saved-lists periodically and do not rely on
saved-lists for permanent storage.

For permanent storage I've created a program that saves the records from
a select to a hashed file as one item with the file, date & time saved
as well as a comment as to the reason that I'm saving the records.  The
first field is the comment with each original record a field with the
@id concatenated to the lowered data.

The IDs to the archive records are stored in a control record.  I have a
restore program that displays the stored records displaying the file
name, date, time and comment.  I can select to delete the archived
records or to restore the original records to the original file or any
other file.

These were very simple programs to write, but if anyone is interested in
the concept, I will email you copies.

Mel Maresh
Senior IT Developer
NextiraOne, LLC
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