I don't post much, and as a result maybe my opinion doesn't count.  But 
this reply all is a pain. 
For instance this one.  I clicked the reply all on the last email of this 
topic.  So I remove "Anthony Dzikiewicz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> from the 
TO:.  I'm sure he doesn't want my post twice.  Then I have 
u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org, "'u2ug'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" in the CC:. 
Gee, which is the one I really want to send this too?
Normally I say, "aw the heck with it, someone else will answer with 
correctly"  and I discard my email and go back to work.
That's my problem with reply all. 
I'm not going to winnow out the CC:  today, I don't belong to all those 
lists but what the heck.  I suppose that's someone else's problem.

Then I have my problem when I read an email from a thread that appears to 
have a couple of chapters missing.  The conversation appears to have  gone 
on for a little between two respondents.  And, it seems, that one 
remembers to send back to the list. 

Back to lurking


Bruce M Neylon
Health Care Management Group 
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