In my opinion, the *reply* behavior of the mailing list needs to reflect the
"announcement" vs. "discussion" mentality of the group.

The "announcement mentality" puts the emphasis on announcing ideas and
issues, and promotes discussion between the poster and individuals wanting
to know more details.  In this case, the reply button behavior should
default to "only reply to poster".

The "discussion mentality" puts the emphasis on sharing the discussion out
in the open, promoting community participation.  Unfortunately, this also
has the effect of lowering the signal-to-noise ratio, creating a lot of "me
too" replies.  Here, the reply button behavior should default to "reply all"
(i.e. the old way).

I don't think the drop in traffic is necessarily a bad thing; it will
probably pick up once everyone gets accustomed to the rules.

Personally, I opt for the "discussion" mentality where open discussions are
the emphasis.

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