I have been following this thread (and some other threads resulting from
fairly obvious newcomers to UV/UD) with interest.  Being pretty much a
newbie to UV myself I'd like to throw in a few comments:

Many, if not most, of the regular posters in this list seem to have MANY
years of experience in this environment, and are still coding according to
habits acquired way back in time.
I do not mean this disrespectfully - for those that are happy with using
line editors and all upper case, that is the way you work.

>From a newbie's point of view though - anybody learning UV/UD now most
likely will come from a C or Visual Basic background, where (especially in
the case of C) almost all coding is done in lower case.  Personally I use
Delphi a lot, which is also done mostly in lower case.  I find it
inconvenient to switch to the "convention" of doing coding in all
uppercase, especially as I have made a habit of keeping a separate word
processor window open to document programs and changes while I am doing the
coding.  In between, I also have to provide end-user support to 100+ users
in MS Office, Lotus Notes etc., and being of a lazy (and efficient) nature,
this is done using VNC.  Then I also have my email open all the time, and
is constantly checking and replying to messages.

With all the above (and more!) happening, I find it annoying having to
switch caps-lock all the time - what happens a lot is that I switch to
another window and start typing away merrily, only to realise after a
couple of words that everything is cASE iNVERTED, or that the help I'm
trying to give to a user is not working because of case inversion.

As to editing, having become accustomed over the years to the convenience
of full-screen editors, and not initially knowing that it was possible to
use a full-screen editor to edit BPs, it was a nightmare for me to get the
simplest things done in UV.  I think there are many other newbies out there
that feels the same...

Add together to this the naming of things ( a UV ACCOUNT is not a login
account, but is similar to a MS SQL database etc.), and it was extremely
challenging for me to get to grips with UV - the namings make self-help
research difficult. Initially I actually hated UV for this, but I was
forced to use it because our core financial system runs on it.

After having come to grips with how UV works and interacts, I have come to
like and very much respect it for what it can do, but I see many of my
initial frustrations echoed in posts from other newcomers.  This can
possibly steer newcomers to the MV environment away from it - it takes a
lot of time and effort to "make the switch".

As Mr. Glorfield stated in his farewell message, this is most definitely a
very helpful and courteous group, but on the odd occasion I have also seen
replies posted to obvious newcomers that is given based on years of
experience, but without regard to the fact that the newcomer does not
actually have the necessary foundation to understand it.
The U2UG web site proudly advertises the growing Knowledge Base, but how
does one get to it? - for a newcomer, there is no direct link to click
(unless I am not looking properly) - surely this will be one of the first
ports of call for anybody looking for information.

I am prepared to dedicate some personal time to do write-ups (how-tos etc)
for newcomers, from the perspective of a newcomer, which can then be vetted
by more experienced UV users for correctness - this will be a bit
intermittent as I have a lot on my plate though.  Is anyone prepared to vet
and host such write-ups?

For the newcomers out there who read this far - stick to it like a
foxterrier to a tennis ball - it will pay of in the end and you will be
surprised at the new world that opens up.
For the UV longtimers - thanks for all the help and feedback to the group -
it is much appreciated!


Arnold Bosch
IT Administrator
Taeuber & Corssen SWA (Pty) Ltd
Tel +264 (0)61 293 2106
Cell +264 (0)81 124 8625
Fax +264 (0)61 293 2104
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