Thanks for the response, Les.  (BTW, you may want to fix your
sig, it dumps a lot of HTML into the text body of emails...)

The accounts that are not working do have a VOCLIB, though I'm
unsure why that would make a difference - should VOCLIB contain
special paragraphs or other data required by UO?

One of the accounts that is working had a misconfigured VOCLIB
pointer.  This worked without VOCLIB and after the pointer was

For Marc - I believe updatevoc is the Unidata equivalent of the
Universe "update.account", which has already been tried.  Thanks.

A call has been put into IBM by the client and I trust the issue
will be resolved.  I put the inquiry out here because frequently
the community wisdom has a way of solving problems expeditiously.

Thanks again,

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products
worldwide, and provides related development and training services

> From: Les Hewkin
> Tony, check to see if there is a VOCLIB in the accounts that
> work....We had this problem with UO and VB6.

> From:  Tony G

> We have a client trying to connect to UV10.2/Win32 via
> The connection works with some accounts and not with others. 
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