Yeah that could be it but I just did a restore of last nights pre-cycle data. 
An interesting thing I noticed in 
regards to the table GENACCTRN (the one we're having issues with) and noticed 
the following errors with the index:

 Restoring c:\LIVE/I_GENACCTRN/INDEX.005 (19:34:23)
 Restoring c:\LIVE/I_GENACCTRN/INDEX.006 (19:34:23)
Unable to write item "999999999ý3136FJMA6ý912828DC1ý3136FJQU8".
Unable to write item 
Unable to write item 
Unable to write item 
 Restoring c:\LIVE/I_GENACCTRN/INDEX.MAP (19:34:23)

'unable to write' to the index. I guess this index will need to be rebuilt?

> Date: Wed, 9 Jun 2010 11:24:18 -0400
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: [U2] problem - Attempted WRITE with record ID larger than        
> file/table maximum
> On 6/9/2010 10:46 AM, Chris Austin wrote:
> > I believe that is the problem, the key for record '15500*60431*EJK' must 
> > have more than 255 characters. Is there
> > a way to check the # of characters on a key from a telnet prompt? I'm 
> > confused why the key would
> > be so big? There must be 'historical encoding of record locks' or something 
> > behind the scenes being stored.
> >
> > Basically it's a record we have in table #1 that we are writing to table 
> > #2. Would there be anything to check
> > on the record? Thanks.
> >
> > ttp://
> >    
> I have done this by accident before.  If you are getting your key from a 
> multivalue list and have the wrong delimiter chosen, you will send the 
> dynamic array as the key and that can be too long.
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