I hope the turn this thread has taken can be straightened out.
Bill Haskett (Advantos Software) is a valued client of Nebula
R&D, and we also happen to be good friends.  Nebula provides and
supports his mv.NET software, and we're in fairly frequent
contact.  I think Bill made a harmless inquiry and the thread
went off on an unfortunate tangent.  I've exchanged notes with
him.  We're on the same page, as always.  BlueFinity has also
been in contact with him, just to make sure they're being
properly represented by (us) their channel partners.  :)

I don't mind Bill asking about other offerings.  That's just
pragmatic, professional, and good business.  I'm always
considering alternatives for specific environments as well,
because my business is about providing solutions, not products.
We all need to do this.

In this market, it's unfortunate, but (with the exception of U2
itself and a few other community forums) people just don't talk
about the software they use.  That gives the impression that no
one is using the tools.  I really wish we'd see more enthusiasm
for these products because it would help us all to grow in our
understanding of the depth of the tools.  The mv.NET forum gets
no hits, in part because everyone gets their answers from their
sales/support people.  The same goes for DesignBais, UO.NET,
QMClient, Viságe, FlashCONNECT, and many other products.  Maybe
high quality software and excellent support serve as a form of
anti-marketing?  :)  C'est la vie.

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
Nebula R&D sells mv.NET and other Pick/MultiValue products
worldwide, and provides related development services
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