> From: Charlie Noah
> There's an MV.NET forum? News to me. Tell me how to 
> access it and I will definitely check it out. The more 
> I can learn, the better.... As I said earlier, I'm not 
> working directly with MV.NET, one of our programmers 
> is (and a damn fine programmer he is, too). I was 
> passing along what I've gotten from him. If we can get 
> info that will make his job easier and add to his 
> knowledge, then this whole thing can be productive.

Respectfully, my friend, please contact your mv.NET _value-add_
reseller and give them the opportunity to answer your questions
about the software, performance, the forum, etc.  I think that
issue is what prompted the confusion in this thread.  Without
trying to be too competitive here, this is exactly the sort of
thing that differentiates resellers, and I try to make sure my
company excels in this area.  Now I need to sit back and
reconcile that statement with the fact that it was my client who
started this thread.  Hey, gotta be real. ;)

Tony Gravagno
Nebula Research and Development
TG@ remove.pleaseNebula-RnD.com
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