> From: Glorfield, Gordon
> Our network admins use a product called Websense to restrict 
> access to certain web sites such as Facebook and Myspace.  
> For some reason Websense blocks my access to the 
> wordpress.com domain saying that it is categorized as a 
> "Black Friday Site".  Is there a mirror site for these 
> helpful documents like the one below?

The ultimate problem is not finding mirror sites for specific
content, but working out a procedural protocol whereby people can
get access to data they need without draconian software blocks.
For example: File a request for a specific resource, get access
to the resource immediately, and if some "Big Brother"-esque
webcop thinks you don't need access to it later they can lock it
down and notify your manager.

If that can't be done, recommend they get better software to
accomplish their goals of improving employee productivity.  As it
is now your productivity has been decreased because they made the
wrong technical/purchase decisions.

<minor rant>
The IT answer to that is probably "it was a 'management' decision
and we just need to live with it."  I'm really getting tired of
everyone having to bow to the requirements of poor software and
services purchased by people who don't know any better.   This is
right up there with outsourcing IT to India, forcing everyone to
call around the world for config changes, assistance with MS
Office, or printer issues.  Get your management to involve IT at
all levels before making company-wide IT decisions.  Penny-wise,
pound-foolish decisions are the norm these days and IT people and
everyone else are allowing themselves to be victimized by some
faceless manager that no one can ask "what were you thinking?!"
after the fact.

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