I have only seen SAP implementations from a bit of a distance and
through reading stories, but in every case, my understanding was that
those in charge of the project were gone before SAP went live. I have
seen systems analysts and programmers survive the project, with plenty
of stories once they do. It sounds like a really brutal ERP
installation. I have not kept current on this front enough to know
that people were still selecting it, although a whole lot of people
are still maintaining it.

Best wishes, Scott, and thanks for taking the time to write up your
notes regarding some of those in the industry who have helped you.
Cheers!  --dawn

On Wed, May 23, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Holt, Jake <jh...@samsill.com> wrote:
> I thought no one actually ever finished implementing SAP?
> -----Original Message-----
> From: u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org 
> [mailto:u2-users-boun...@listserver.u2ug.org] On Behalf Of 
> iggch...@comcast.net
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 1:31 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: Re: [U2] File Sizing using concurrent option AND FAREWELL
> Don't worry, we're not going to implement anything that's going to do 
> damage.  Well, unless you call the outrageous cost a damage :)
> Any thoughts on the CONCURRENT option?
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wjhonson" <wjhon...@aol.com>
> To: u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org
> Sent: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 2:14:19 PM
> Subject: Re: [U2] File Sizing using concurrent option AND FAREWELL
> Well you used to be.  After SAP sucks ten years out of the life of your 
> company, we'll see
> << I am being moved to our corporate office to join a eam of 10 who will be 
> learning, configuring, and customizing SAP to meet the eeds of the best wine 
> and spirits distribution company  in the world.  Ok, I'm
>  little partial...  >>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: iggchamp <iggch...@comcast.net>
> To: U2 Users List <u2-users@listserver.u2ug.org>
> Sent: Wed, May 23, 2012 11:11 am
> Subject: [U2] File Sizing using concurrent option AND FAREWELL
> Hi All,
> uv 10.2.7 / hpux 11.11
> First things first (skip this section if you don't care for goodbyes)...
> I wanted to say thanks to all of the contributors to this list.  I have 
> learned
>  tremendous amount from all of you.  The passion that many of you have for 
> your ork is really inspiring.  I am being moved to our corporate office to 
> join a eam of 10 who will be learning, configuring, and customizing SAP to 
> meet the eeds of the best wine and spirits distribution company  in the 
> world.  Ok, I'm
>  little partial...   All of you deserve a great deal of credit for my 
> pportunity as you have all contributed to the things that I've been able to 
> ccomplish with my current system.  Without the great system that we here in 
> llinois have developed, I'm sure that noone would trust in my abilities to 
> eliver in a different environment.
> blockquote>
>  special thanks to a couple of people I have been blessed to work directly 
> ith.  I cannot recommend their services enough!
> /blockquote>
> blockquote>
> ony Gravagno ( http://www.nebula-rnd.com/ ):  When each division of SWS was
> sked to provide a web service that would interface our sales force automation
> nits to our business systems, I was terrified.  I had never had the 
> opportunity
> o work with web technology and, based on a heavy workload, did not have the
> ime to dive in at that time.  I did take the web developer that Universe
> ffered for a spin.  Pretty cool tool.  While I was able to develop a web
> ervice that could work had I set the requirements myself, I could not get it 
> to
> eet the requirements that corporate was developed.  I even worked with one of
> he IBM engineers and he could not get it done.  Keep in mind that I have 
> always
> elieved in my abilities to provide solid solutions using the tools that we 
> have
> n the multivalue world.  It killed me to have to bring in a resource from the
> utside.  I swallowed my pride and turned to Tony.  I was amazed at the
> ncredible service that he provided.  He developed a service for me that has
> een rock solid.  I am still amazed that I have never had to revisit it after
> ears of pounding by our sales force.  This is plug, play, and forget about it
> t its best!  Not only that but our web service which provides incredibly
> owerful and complicated pricing blows the web service developed on our
> orporate as400 system out of the water from a performance standpoint.  Thanks
> ony, you've made me look a lot better than I really am :)
> /blockquote>
> eff Fitzerald ( http://www.fitzlong.com/ ):  Your write-ups on file 
> performance
> ave really helped me to ensure that our system is always operating at a high
> evel.  I wish I could get everyone around here to read it.  I was also
> ortunate enough to have been allowed to use your file maintenance product -
> AST.  I can't tell you how much time that this saved me.  When I first arrived
> t this company, all the files were dynamic.   I made the mistake of converting
> hem all to static because I believed the performance was much better.  I was
> ight and the system was screaming.  The reason I use "mistake" is that it
> brought me into a whole new world of ensuring the thousands of files used by
> he application continued to perform by spending all my weekends sizing.  Yuck!
> y allowing me to break away from managing the monster that I had created by
> sing your product, I had my weekends free again.  Yay!  Not only that, your
> roduct was doing a much better job than I ever did.  Unfortunately, budgets
> ere cut and  I could no longer continue to use it.   Thanks Jeff, you helped 
> me
> o spend my time moving the company forward by developing great tools rather
> han maintaining files.
> /blockquote>
> ILE SIZING question:
> As mentioned, I'm moving on.  Before leaving I'm trying my best to ease the
> urden on my friends  here in Illinois by automating many of the things that I
> ever got around to doing for myself .  That being said, I put together a
> outine that will analyze our files and resize as necessary.  It's pretty slick
> ut not near the software offered by fitzlong.com - refer to previous section.
> I would like to set it up to execute from cron so that noone has to babysit.
> eing the scaredy cat that I am, I've always phantomed off the process and
> onitored over the weekend to ensure that noone is accessing the files in
> uestion.  I put the CONCURRENT option in there as a safeguard but never really
> rusted it enough to turn the program loose without policing.
> My questions regarding CONCURRENT  are these:
>     1.   Is the option trustworthy enough to use on a live system while users
> re possibly accessing the files?
>    2. Are there any sort of performance issues?  In other words, would a file
> hat takes 2 hours to size take 8 hours to size while users are accessing?  The
> outine keeps a history of various statistics including how much time it took 
> to
> o its business.
>    3. Does it slow the application that is accessing the file?
>    4. Any other considerations?
> hanks in advance for your response  and for all of the tremendous help that
> ou've all been over the years.
> Scott Thompson
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Dawn M. Wolthuis

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