Might anyone have any tips or tricks for getting SSL to work on the
IBMIHS/Apache 2.0.47 web server on an AIX 5.3 box?  The documentation I've
found on the web is byzantine at best and it would be fine if the commands
actually worked, but I keep getting odd error messages and stalled at every

I've upgrade the GSK so that the server will start with SSL enabled, I have
a virtual host configured, but I have no clue how to tie a specific
certificate to the VirtualHost.  Well, let's say I have clues, but nothing
is working.  Here's the <VirtualHost> stanza I have set up in httpd.conf:

<VirtualHost *:443>
        SSLClientAuth None
        SSLServerCert api.client.com
        ServerName api.client.com
        DocumentRoot /usr/www
        <Directory "/usr/www">
             Order Allow,Deny
             Allow From All
        ErrorLog logs/api_error.log
        CustomLog logs/api_error.log common

I've been able to generate a CSR and create a self-signed certificate, and
it would appear that I've even successfully imported that certificate into
my key database, as demonstrated by this command:

$ gsk7cmd -cert -details -db /usr/IBMIHS/ssl/client.kdb -label "
api.client.com" -pw "password"

...which produces the following output...

Label: api.client.com
Key Size: 512
Version: X509 V1
Serial Number: 00 DB 00 41 9A 19 77 7E 9F
Issued By: api.client.com
City, ST, US
Subject: api.client.com
City, ST, US
Valid From: Saturday, February 16, 2013 6:06:08 PM EST To: Saturday, April
17, 2032 7:06:08 PM EDT
Fingerprint: ...
Signature Algorithm: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5
Trust Status: enabled

But even though this certificate is in the keyfile (and yes, I have a
KeyFile directive elsewhere in the httpd.conf file pointing to the
client.kdb file) I can't seem to associate it to the virtual host.  What am
I missing?

(And yes, I'm aware this is not specifically a U2 question but I need this
to provide web connectivity to a Unidata machine from a Rackspace hosted
server.  So in a way... it sorta is U2 related.)

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