Kevin, I have both chained and self-signed certs on various servers.
The example from my workstation is a self-signed cert.  Self-signed is
actually less prone to error because you don't have to worry about
importing the intermediate certs into the keystore database.  The only
other thing I know to suggest at the moment is verify you're loading the
IBM ssl module and listening on port 443:

LoadModule ibm_ssl_module modules/

Are you getting any errors in the IHS SSL logs, either at server startup
or when you attempt to browse to port 443?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Kevin King
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2013 5:04 PM
To: U2 Users List
Subject: Re: [U2] AIX 5.3 IBMIHS Web Server

John (Thompson)... This IHS Apache is definitely a cracked Apache with
some odd configuration  SSL setup in particular is completely different.

John (Hester), I can see the cert in the key file (through the gsk7cmd
command) but with the name it cannot be found.  I even
recreated the cert as "api" (without dots) because I found a page that
said that the dots could be causing problems, but still no love.  It
seems I've done everything correctly but still it just can't find a
combination that works.  I'm wondering if the problem here is the fact
that it's a self-signed cert without a chain?  Are you using a
self-signed cert here?
 Do you have other certs in your key file that may represent a chain for
the self-signed cert?

Thank you gentlemen for the insight.  Most appreciated.


On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 3:09 PM, John Hester <> wrote:

> It sounds like you've done all you need to for basic IHS SSL 
> functionality.  As long as matches the name you gave 
> the certificate via ikeyman, and you have the KeyFile directive, you 
> should be OK.  There are a lot of other options you can add for 
> optimization and browser compatibility, but I don't think leaving any 
> of those out would break it outright.  Here's my working IHS config 
> from the development server on my Windows workstation for comparison:
> <VirtualHost *:443>
> SSLEnable
> SSLProtocolDisable SSLv2
> SSLServerCert
>      <Directory "c:/IBM/HTTPServer/htdocs/html">
>      Options +Includes
>      AddType text/html .shtml
>      AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml
>      </Directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> KeyFile "C:/IBM/HTTPServer/key.kdb"
> SSLDisable
> -John
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of Kevin King
> Sent: Saturday, February 16, 2013 4:02 PM
> To: U2 Users List
> Subject: [U2] AIX 5.3 IBMIHS Web Server
> Might anyone have any tips or tricks for getting SSL to work on the 
> IBMIHS/Apache 2.0.47 web server on an AIX 5.3 box?  The documentation 
> I've found on the web is byzantine at best and it would be fine if the

> commands actually worked, but I keep getting odd error messages and 
> stalled at every turn.
> I've upgrade the GSK so that the server will start with SSL enabled, I

> have a virtual host configured, but I have no clue how to tie a 
> specific certificate to the VirtualHost.  Well, let's say I have 
> clues, but nothing is working.  Here's the <VirtualHost> stanza I have

> set up in
> httpd.conf:
> <VirtualHost *:443>
>         SSLEnable
>         SSLClientAuth None
>         SSLServerCert
>         ServerName
>         DocumentRoot /usr/www
>         <Directory "/usr/www">
>              Order Allow,Deny
>              Allow From All
>         </Directory>
>         ErrorLog logs/api_error.log
>         CustomLog logs/api_error.log common </VirtualHost>
> I've been able to generate a CSR and create a self-signed certificate,

> and it would appear that I've even successfully imported that 
> certificate into my key database, as demonstrated by this command:
> $ gsk7cmd -cert -details -db /usr/IBMIHS/ssl/client.kdb -label "
>" -pw "password"
> ...which produces the following output...
> Label:
> Key Size: 512
> Version: X509 V1
> Serial Number: 00 DB 00 41 9A 19 77 7E 9F Issued By: 
> Subject:
> City, ST, US
> Valid From: Saturday, February 16, 2013 6:06:08 PM EST To: Saturday, 
> April 17, 2032 7:06:08 PM EDT
> Fingerprint: ...
> Signature Algorithm: 1.2.840.113549.1.1.5 Trust Status: enabled
> But even though this certificate is in the keyfile (and yes, I have a 
> KeyFile directive elsewhere in the httpd.conf file pointing to the 
> client.kdb file) I can't seem to associate it to the virtual host.  
> What am I missing?
> (And yes, I'm aware this is not specifically a U2 question but I need 
> this to provide web connectivity to a Unidata machine from a Rackspace

> hosted server.  So in a way... it sorta is U2 related.)
> Help?
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