I second AccuTerm WED.
In addition to WED, I have created a couple of other commands using AccuTerm to 
run Windows programs.
One of these is a compare program that opens 2 programs (items) in Winmerge. 
Winmerge is a windows compare/merge program that is very useful for locating 
changes in text files. It allows copying of data from either item to the other 
and when I exit it, I have a prompt to update the original items. Thus it does 
both a compare and edit. Winmerge knows nothing about MV so not so useful on 
The second one opens a program (item) in windows grep which displays lines 
containing a search string.
I have samba setup so I can use Winmerge, windows grep or any windows editor 
directly from Windows. I use Ultraedit which has a very useful hex mode.
For data items containing multivalues and subvalues, AE is my choice.
Don Robinson

From: Bill Haskett <>
To: U2 Users List <> 
Sent: Monday, February 25, 2013 12:16 PM
Subject: Re: [U2] UV full screen editor

Probably the simplest, and easiest to use, would be AccuTerm 
<>.  It is a terminal emulator, probably the best in the MV 
market, that includes an editor.  You can call the editor while within the UV 
environment (that is, logged into an account) straight from the command line. 
So, instead of...

:ED SOMEFILE ItemId would change the "ED" verb with "WED", like...


This solution is probably best if you spend most of your time inside the UV 
environment and aren't interested in installing software other than a telnet 
client.  In addition, it is probably the cheapest of all telnet clients you can 
use, assuming you place any value on your time.  :-)



----- Original Message -----
*Date:* 2/25/2013 6:04 AM
*Subject:* [U2] UV full screen editor
> Hello all,
>  I'm new to this forum, so apologies if this topic has been brought up 
>before. Can anyone recommend a decent full-screen editor for Universe? I 
>require it for editing source code as well as modifying data files. Seems like 
>most of them can do one or the other, but not both. We do not run System 
>Builder, so is there anything else available? We are trying to move away from 
>the native UV line editor.
>  Many thanks.                       
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