If you have 32-bit addressing, then the largest file you can address is 2Gb (2147483648 bytes), or 2^31. At 2147483649 bytes, you have a corrupt file, which will fail on writes.

The solutions to the problem include:

1) Archive old data
2) change to Dynamic files (this may be a short-term fix, especailly based upon item sizes)
3) Change to Distributed files
4) Enable 64-bit addressing, which will give you a new upper limit of 9,223,372,036,854,775,808 bytes, sufficient to create an inventory file with detailed descriptions of every atom in the universe. There is a downside, in that you lose some of the file recovery tools, so I generally avoid this.

A combination of 1 & 3 is my usual approach. Distributed files give you a lot more flexibility, and endless growth even with the 2Gb limit. There is no discernible performance hit, given a rational distribution algorithm. The only downside I've seen is that each part of the Distributed file is a file, and when you open the distributed file, you take up one file handle for each part, so you may have to tweak your rotating file pool in udtconfig or uvconfig.

Note also that on *NIX, there's an upper limit defined in /etc/security/limits. Usually, the default is 1Gb in this file.

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Dan Fitzgerald

From: Dave Raven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-To: U2 Users Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2 gig limits
Date: Tue, 10 Feb 2004 17:13:34 GMT


I was having a walk-around this Unidata system. I noticed that some of the files are approaching 2 gb and a couple of files are over 2 gb. Is there a future problem looming.

What is the 2 gig limits mentioned in some of the email's?

Dave Raven
Mobile(949) 228 2224 e Fax (815)4259364
P.O. Box 17811, Irvine CA 92623-7811

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