
I would start with loading the host subroutines onto my MV platform. 

Check the \Program Files\Wintegrate\Host directory.  There's a script called 
Inst_Pgm.wis you can call it from the wintegrate Run->Script menu.  It will install 
the MV API on your host, make sure you're in an account you want to do this to.

There are a number of host demo programs on the host that you can run and take apart 
to see how it all fits together, and shows different techniques.  There's also 
numerious examples loaded on witegrate dealing with dialogs that are run externally 
from the host.

I've used both the dialog designer using external wis files, and creating the dialogs 
within universe code.  There's advantages to both.  I'm currently designing a program 
basic program that will take a file created using the dialog designer and create a 
basic program equivalent.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Björn Eklund [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2004 3:30 AM
Subject: Wintegrate, UD

We are currently running an old green line GUI. I was told by IBM to look at 
Wintegrate to make my applications look more modern. I've downloaded the Wintegrate 
trial version but I don't know where to start. I've modified the coloring setting to 
get certain fields look like windows textboxes etc. But I'm sure that there must be 
another way of using Wintegrate to fullfill my needs. Anyone who knows where I should 
start? Should I redraw my screens in the Wintegrate dialog designer or what? I have 
downloaded all the manuals but can't find anything at a glance that shows me where to 
start my GUItilazation.

Björn Eklund

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