
I shouldn't even dignify this crap with a reply, but anyway ...

"1. Populate UV and Oracle with around 10 Million records.
2. Write fairly complex Web Application against it.
3. Run a Web Application Stress tool(around 1000 Users) 
   switching Databases within the same DB Machine."

We've written complex web applications against UniVerse with several hundred
permanently active users for local government systems (not just simple
e-commerce or dynamic web). And they perform excellently, thank you.

"UV is used as a FLAT FILE...
with a bunch of Stuff..packed on it.. and then use PICK  to read through
these UV Files."

Then you're not using it correctly are you? Which puts you in no position to
Don't blame the technology for your incompetence in not making the correct
use of it.

MVDB is designed for embedded processing. Record level writes that don't
have the overhead of a SQL layer. Complex processing managed locally to the
database, without having to add external business rule layers. 

Not as a dumb machine to return or update record sets.

In other words, comparing UV and an RDBMS are comparing chalk and cheese.
They do different jobs. Try to use UV in the same way as Oracle and don't be
surprised if it won't perform. Try to use Oracle in the same way as UV and
the same thing happens. It doesn't work.

Strangely if I tried to drive a formula 1 car around here it won't perform
either. It would just break under the conditions. You need a 4x4. Of course
they do the same thing - both go from A to B loudly and guzzle fuel. But I
know which one will get me home. Without an array of engineers to retune it
every day.

"but I don't belive Corporations use UV as RDBMS..."

If they are they should be shot. UV is NOT an RDBMS. It's an MVDBMS. If you
can't understand that, no wonder you're floundering. A hell of a lot of
local and central governments, defence forces, fortune 500 companies use UV
as an MVDBMS though - as does a lot of the SMI sector, that can't afford

"I belive developers should appreciate technology for

1. Performance
2. Scalability
3. Ease Of Integration.
4. Advanced Techniques.
5. Resources for Development... RAD etc."

I do. That's why I've developed with Borland products for 10 years and with
Microsoft products for 15 years. 
And MV databases for even longer. 

Working with primitive data stores like SQL Server and Oracle just loses my
will to live.


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